In August 2024, Codelco´s expert on tunnelling investigated the benefits of Norwegian methods and technology and the Norwegian way of working. Norwegian experts have been collaborating with projects in Chile for the last two years to see how the principles of Norwegian tunneling can be implemented in the mining industry in Chile. It was time to show, by example, how cost-effective and safe the Norwegian way of working is and how we achieve great tunnelling results in Norway.

We visited Leonhard Nilsen og Sønner (LNS) and the Andfjord Salmon project at Andøya, Rana Gruber in Mo i Rana, and E39 Rogfast in Stavanger and Bokn. In all three projects, Codelco´s experts were introduced to each operation, the challenges in the projects, and how to find the best way to achieve the best results. The Norwegian way of working is more than methods and technology; a significant part of the project's success is related to how we work together, the best way of using the resources, and ensuring we have the right competence.
We also discussed our shared interests and how to enhance collaboration, and continued the dialogue on pilot projects in Chile.
Link to more news from Norwegian Tunnelling Network: Link